After the Easter festivities, many find themselves pondering the fate of the leftover boiled eggs sitting in their refrigerators.

The question of how long these eggs remain safe to eat is more common than one might think. To shed light on this, Gotowanie, referencing guidelines from the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA), has provided some clarity on the matter.

The FDA advises that proper storage is key to maximizing the shelf life of boiled eggs. Once cooked, eggs need to be promptly refrigerated.

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A Week's Limit for Hard-Boiled Eggs

The specific recommendation is that hard-boiled eggs should be consumed or discarded within a week.

As for dishes containing eggs, they have a slightly shorter safe consumption window of 3-4 days.

But how do you determine if an egg is still good? In fact, it is not always the date that determines the fate of the egg.

The temperature in the refrigerator plays a critical role and should be around 4 degrees. It is not recommended to store eggs in the refrigerator door, as the constant temperature changes can speed up the decay process.

A quick sniff and visual inspection can often indicate whether an egg is still edible. A fresh egg has a very slight smell, whereas a spoiled egg emits a strong and unpleasant odor.

In addition, the physical condition of the egg can also provide valuable clues about its freshness. If the yolk sticks to the shell, or if the egg is unusually easy to peel, it may indicate that the egg has been stored too long.

Taste is the final indicator; if the egg tastes unusual or unpleasant, you should throw it away.

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